The simplest method of placing an order is to print the Order Form (Click Here for a Printer Friendly Order Form PDF) and mail it to us with payment. We are happy to accept email orders (they do not need to be formatted) and telephone orders, however payment is by cheque (personal cheques are OK), money order or E-Transfers sent by E-mail. Sorry - we do not accept credit cards, debit cards or paypal.
We are finding more and more of our customers are using E-Transfers. If you do any of your banking online, your bank probably offers them. They’re perfectly secure, they are as fast as an email allowing us to reserve your plants immediately, and depending on your banking package may be less expensive than a cheque and postage stamp.
You are welcome to email any questions including cultivar availability and enquiries about available shipping dates.
Download a Printer Friendly Order Blank
Note - Plants are committed, and shipping dates assigned, on a First-Paid-For-Basis.