Celandine Poppy

Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine Poppy or Wood Poppy) is a native perennial wildflower found through much of eastern North America.

The plant reaches about 2 feet in height covered with showy 4-petaled 2" blooms. This woodland plant is happy anywhere from deep shade to part sun. It prefers a moist to wet soil, but we have found it very tolerant of moderately dry conditions. In short this is a tough and hardy plant that is not at all demanding.

Stylophorum diphyllum is on the endangered species list in Ontario due to competition from the invasive Garlic Mustard. While much of it's natural habitat is being destroyed by Garlic Mustard, the good news is that Stylophorum diphyllum grows very well in most gardens with just a little shade and adequate moisture.

This is a choice native perennial that will self-seed in good conditions.

Mature plants in full bloom.

Buds developing in early May

One of the earliest plants to emerge in early April.

More information on this fabulous plant